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Cool Kids with ASD Group

  • Sanctuary Australia Canberra Australia (map)

Is your child on the Autism Spectrum and showing signs of anxiety?

Does their reaction to everyday experiences often seem out of control?

Autism and Anxiety often go hand-in-hand.

Cool Kids with ASD: Anxiety Management Program for 7 - 11 year olds  with Sanctuary Aus.

The Cool Kids with ASD program teaches your child to successfully manage their anxiety.

Cool Kids is a world-renowned program that uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and other therapeutic processes to teach young people how to better manage their anxieties.

At least one parent/carer needs to participate in the group to learn how to help their children on this journey.

The Cool Kids with ASD program is recommended for young people with mild to moderate ASD who also experience anxiety and who are capable of reflecting on their behaviours.

$1,500 per participant for the entire program, including the child and parent workbooks.

Cool Kids with ASD group sessions will be 8 sessions run in a central Belconnen location in Canberra:

Saturdays 10.00 - 11:30am (except 1 May 10-12noon)

* 1,  8,  15,  22 &  29  May  2021

* 12 &  26 June 2021

* 17  July  2021

For a referral form email

Bookings close 24th April

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