Can we play?

Play is critical in supporting a child to develop their potential!

It is not hard for children to find something to play with - it is a brilliant desire that comes naturally from within a child. Children learn about communication, emotions, balance, values, their abilities and resilience all through play. When they engage in physical play, the explore their body’s capacity to move in wonderful ways and do amazing things - like score a goal or navigate monkey bars. They learn to set goals, practice skills over and over and find curious ways to achieve intentions through play. Through role play, they learn about relationships, empathy and identity. Through painting, they learn colours, shapes and what their mind is capable of creating when they imagine and concentrate. Through blocks, they practice using all their small muscle skills in their hands which is going to be important when they need to write. Through music, they learn about listening, how to use their voice, body movement and the joy of sharing fun sounds with others. Diverse play options opens up the opportunity to develop a myriad of skills. If caregivers can follow a child’s lead in play activities, there is enormous benefits and enjoyment for both!

Sanctuary Aus are passionate about children having access to play opportunities as often as possible. More information and ideas can be found here


How we ‘Empower’ young women


Child Development